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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Random notes...

I've been getting error messages from my subscription service for a couple of subscribers whose email keeps getting returned as undeliverable. Both start with an M, one is .za address and one is a .uk address. If this sounds like your email address, and you aren't getting notifications that the blog is updated, you might want to try reentering your email address in the subscription form to the right.

Also as a general reminder - if you've subscribed but are not getting notifications, be sure that there isn't an email from FeedBlitz waiting for you asking you to confirm your subscription. If you don't respond to that confirmation email, you will not get daily notifications that the blog has been updated. The notifications are sent the day after any updates are made.

And lastly, I've gotten a few emails regarding an "impostor" on the official forum. Someone using the same name as me (Julie) made a post the other day that seems to have people a little riled up, and people are double-checking to make sure it isn't me. Rest assured, it isn't, and I've changed my name to avoid confusion in the future. My name there is now BloggerJulie (though the "ie" gets dropped in the main view). Let's hope that they eventually fix the problem of allowing more than one person to use the same name.

Hopefully song selections will be released soon. As soon as they are, I'll be back with the Talk Back post for this week.
