Group IV: All’s Well That Ends Well

Tonight’s performances, as with the previous three group showings, were a pretty even mix of the good and the bad. The one thing that stood out most for me this week was that I only truly recognized and remembered a few of the contestants – most notably Kesha and Veronique (insert phony French accent here). However, some redeemed themselves and definitely made themselves more memorable, and one of them was even one of my votes for tonight!
So, let’s do a run through of my thoughts. As usual, I’ll put them in order from Worst to Best. I jot my notes down during the performances so that I won’t forget anything, and tonight a few of my thoughts very closely matched what the judges said afterwards – I assure you, that’s pure coincidence. Right, then, here we go:
Bottom 3:
Tumelo: I recognized her by look, but couldn’t remember a single thing about any of her auditions. I can’t say whether that’s a reflection on previous performances, but if tonight was any indication, I’m a little surprised she made it this far. I really enjoyed her interview; she came across as rather grounded, confident but not cocky, and naturally charismatic. So I was fully prepared to like her. However, I found her version of Mariah Carey’s “Always Be My Baby” to be rushed and slightly breathless. And while Mara and the rest of the judges spoke out against “vocal gymnastics” during the audition rounds, a Mariah Carey song sounds lifeless without a little bit of range. Tumelo’s performance was a little too subdued and monotonous. While the judges seemed pleased overall, I was completely unimpressed. Her second song, “Only You” by Ashanti, was definitely an improvement, and her stage performance during this song was excellent – sultry, sexy and entertaining. Her range was better, and while she still struggled with her breathing, it wasn’t completely inappropriate in this song. However, she didn’t do well enough to sway me, and she remains my bottom pick.
Bianca: I do remember Bianca from the Top 70 group performances, and again, I was surprised when she made it through to the Top 24. I felt certain she’d lose out in the cut from 32 to 24, but here she was, reaffirming all the reasons I didn’t think she’d make it. She looks good on camera, if a bit teeny-bopperish, but most importantly, I thought her voice was a little too flat, a bit thick sounding, and occasionally overwhelmed by the band. Maybe her choice of Michelle Branch’s “Everywhere” was an apt one – that certainly seemed to be where her attention was. She came across as slightly unfocused, and her stage presence was barely existent. Her cover of Jamelia’s “Superstar” was also unremarkable, and I thought the contrast between the tempos in the song was too muddy. It’s such an energetic song that it would have been great if she’d shown some of the energy you’d expect from a younger performer, but again, her stage presence was way too subdued. She just barely rose Tumelo in my book.
Nthabiseng: While the judges criticized her song choice, I actually didn’t mind her contemporary take on the Beatles classic “Let it Be”. However she struck a few odd notes, and her stage performance was lackluster. There’s not really much I can say about Nthabiseng; she was neither great nor awful; she flatlined dead-center in mediocrity.
Top 3:
The contrast between the Bottom 3 was vast. While the Bottom 3 were mediocre and forgettable, the Top 3 in this group showing was at the other end of the scale. It’s going to be a close call, here.
Veronique: You might be a little surprised that Veronique isn’t in my Top 2. I’ll say now, I believe that she will be in the Top 2, but for me, her performance just didn’t rate high enough in my book. Randall echoed my sentiments perfectly: while she’s absolutely flawless on a technical level, I really don’t think she’s the best singer in the group. Her version of Paula Cole’s “I Don’t Wanna Wait” was perfectly sung – there are some tough notes and challenging transitions in that song – and she hit them all with ease. And her stage presence is so powerful that you simply can’t miss her. However – and this might sound odd – she’s too perfect. Maybe I shouldn’t hold it against her, but for all the polished looks and flawless performances, I find it very hard to connect with her. I honestly don’t believe that her pedigree should be held against her at face value alone, and I definitely don’t believe that it has given her an advantage with the judges. However, it might be that very same pedigree that has given her an arrogance and almost inhuman perfection that makes me unable to vote for her. I guess I cling to the notion of Idols being someone who would never have been discovered otherwise – someone a little bit raw, and really down to earth. And in the end, I doubt it will matter. Even if she doesn’t win Idols, I’m confident that we won’t have heard the last of her, and she’s sure to get some airtime in the future.
Ayanda: Last week, Nhlanhla surprised me – this week, Ayanda did the same. I vaguely recognized her, but I couldn’t have told you the first thing about her previous performances. She must have done some serious work with Mali, because tonight’s performances were unforgettable. Her voice has an excellent jazzy quality that could work well with some of the more “mature” pop songs, and she managed the tempo switch in “Ndiredi” beautifully. I was a little uncertain about her song choice at first, but it suited her perfectly, and she performed it with just the right blend of energy and grace. And with her second song, she demonstrated great control, her performance showed her excellent interpretation of the song, and best of all, she looks like she’s having an absolute blast on the stage. “I’m Not in Love” is one of Enrique Iglesias’ better numbers, but she elevated it even higher in my book. Again, just like Nhlanhla, if she puts out a cover of that song, I’ll be first in line to buy it.
And finally, Kesha: I’ll confess, she was already my favorite out of this group before tonight’s show even began. Her stage performance during the Top 70 group auditions was stellar – she had the sincerity, the look, the stage presence, the confidence – the whole nine yards. And she only improved on that tonight. Her two songs were vastly different: Natasha Bedingfield’s “I Bruise Easily” is a delicate, vulnerable song, and she delivered those qualities impeccably. She nailed the high notes while maintaining perfect volume control. On the other end of the spectrum, Britney Spears’ “My Perogative” is sassy and energetic, and those two qualities are immediately apparent in Kesha. She had just the right amount of attitude, so I’ll forgive the very minor timing slip up at the end of the song. And of the current contestants in the Top 12, I think she has the most universal appeal, and I can easily see her being a hit in the US, the UK, and everywhere else in the world. I’ll be very surprised if she doesn’t go a lot farther in this game, and she may just have snagged my (very likely to change) vote as the potential winner of the whole shebang.
And on a different note, I thought the band did much better this week. There was no trace of the “oldness” that bothered me in the previous weeks, and they felt much more energetic, modern and fun. On the other hand, Colin remains just the same, and I just loved the way Kesha upstaged him after her first song. Just another reason for me to like her.
So, in summary:
Top 3 circle: Kesha, Veronique, and Ayanda. I think Ayanda will, unfortunately, lose out to the technically stronger Veronique, which is a shame. Ayanda’s earthiness is much more desirable in my view, but I’m not sure that’s so important to all the other people out there voting. But we’ll see tomorrow night – and I’ll get to see in person. Check in soon for my report on what it’s like to be at a live results show, and to see how far off the mark I am!