New Subscription Service (again)
The other day I mentioned that I'd added a subscription service. Originally I was using to provide the feed, but after some in-depth research I decided this was not the best choice and switched over to the better-supported and more reliable FeedBlitz. There are a couple of things to note, however: those of you who subscribed using the bloglet form will need to resubscribe to FeedBlitz. I've emailed the Bloglet subscribers to notify them of this change, so if you got that email and haven't either resubscribed using the form on the page or by authorizing me to update the subscription, you won't get feeds until you do. Additionally, unlike the hands-off bloglet approach - in which you simply submitted your email address and automatically would get feeds - the FeedBlitz service does require you to validate your subscription (to deter people from signing up other people against their will, though why anyone would want to do that for this site is beyond me). At any rate: if you want to be notified when Idol Fascination is updated, please make sure you are subscribed to the FeedBlitz feed by entering your email address on the form on the sidebar, and be sure to complete the authentication process.
The FeedBlitz daily email consists of a list of any new posts for the day, with a preview of the first 255 characters included.
Thanks for your patience, and I apologize for any inconvenience.
The FeedBlitz daily email consists of a list of any new posts for the day, with a preview of the first 255 characters included.
Thanks for your patience, and I apologize for any inconvenience.