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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

And then there were 4...

Despite my criticisms over the past few weeks, I really was sad at last night's turn of events. I was a big Nhlanhla fan in the beginning, yet he somehow lost his charm for me. He stands fast by his conviction that nothing changed, including his voice, and is not sure what to attribute the comments by people such as Dave (and myself) to, but is confident that he was the same Nhlanhla as he was at the beginning. He admitted that he had struggled with stress and nerves, and had begun to question his ability in the face of increasing criticism, but last week he changed his mindset, and on the advice of unnamed friends, began just enjoying what he was doing and letting criticisms just roll off back. The change in his demeanor was remarkable, and yet a little saddening: I only wish he had found this serenity a few weeks ago.

The results show unfolded in typical dramatic and suspenseful style. V was tapped to announce the two groups that would represent the Top 2 and the Bottom 2: Karin and Nicky, and Gift and Nhlanhla. Staying as neutral as Switzerland, V declined to guess which group was which, and further declined to assign herself to a group - only acknowledging that she hoped that she wasn't in the Bottom 2, but if she was, she was prepared to accept it. Visibly shaken, she opened the envelope and breathed a sigh of relief as she announced that Nicky, Karin and herself would be in the semi-finals next week, leaving Gift and Nhlanhla to face the music. Colin had hinted earlier at the possibility that two people would be going home tonight, and the question remained on everyone's mind as the show's two boys stood nervously awaiting the verdict. As Colin told Gift he'd have to say his last goodbyes to Nhlanhla, it appeared to take a moment for the news to sink in: despite his somewhat surprising position in the Bottom 2, Gift was safe for another week. Appearing more saddened than relieved, he gave Nhlanhla a hug, then left the stage clear for Nhlanhla to sing "Here and Now" one last time. As seems to be the norm for results show, his final rendition surpassed his performance the night before, and helped remind everyone just how he had made it this far in the competition.

Despite a nerve-wracking and emotional results show, Nhlanhla managed to maintain an excellent spirit during the press conference, and I must say that he proved himself to be very capable at handling himself with the press. When asked whether it annoyed him that people were constantly mispronouncing his name, he said it didn't bother him at all, because he is certain people will be hearing a lot of it from here on out. Idols was just the beginning, and Nhlanhla figures he may take some advice from Dave and steer slightly away from Pop music and focus more on Afro-Pop, which he feels is better suited to his talents. Watching the brief snippet of his first audition last night, I have to agree that this would be an excellent place for him to really make his mark, and with his amazing personality, charismatic presence and yes, his vocal talent, he has all the makings of a legend.

Now that he's out of the competition, who would Nhlanhla like to see in the finals, and who is his pick to win? V and Karin are his choices for the Top 2, but speaking candidly, he admitted that he would like to see Karin win, mainly due to the immense opportunities it would afford her. Noting the similarities between himself and Karin, he recognizes how winning would have changed his life, and he would be happy to see Karin get that same opportunity. Either way, there's little doubt that Nhlanhla's life has changed forever, and while he may garden for his own pleasure, he is confident that gardening for a living is a thing of the past.

Once Nhlanhla left to participate in SMS2TV, attention focused on the other aspects of the show, most notably the voting records set this week, as well as the uproar over Mara's comments on Sunday nights. Carl Fischer, M-Net's Head of Local Productions, noted that viewers are extremely passionate about this year's contestants, and this passion is clearly reflected in the voting trends. Over a million votes were cast in the 24 hour voting period between Sunday and Monday evening, a new record for the show. Does there appear to be any connection between Mara's comments and the increased votes? He again noted the passion that this season has generated, and feels it is likely that negative comments against a favored contestant can generate increased voting activity. Doesn't this create an unfair advantage when someone receives votes more on principle than on talent? He points out that the it works in reverse as well, which helps even out the playing field a bit.

And what about Mara's comments? Fischer referred to Mara's response as posted on the website, in which Mara stands by her opinions, and says that her criticism of V is not a personal issue, but that V has "done nothing" for her from the beginning. She also points out that there are many other artists about whom she feels the same, and that she is unwilling to lie about her opinions simply to please angry viewers. As to the renewed allegations of racism, it was pointed out that Mara had given Nicky, the other white contestant still remaining in the show, high praise on Sunday evening, as she has done with other white contestants throughout the season.

Will Mara still be on the judging panel for the next season of Idols? First, the decision needs to be made as to whether (and when) there will be an Idols IV. Once this season is over, the season will be reviewed and discussions will begin as to what the next step for Idols will be - and only then will specifics such as the judging panel begin. I'm hoping the numbers will speak for themselves, and that M-Net will agree that Idols is worth continuing on - even once Open Time closes next year. Possibly only second to the Burg, I've lived and breathed Idols this season, and can only hope that my fascination can continue another year...